Spinoza Orchestra

In The Hague, October is celebrated as the Month of Spinoza, the great philosopher who enriched our heritage with his ideas. Alongside exhibitions, theater, lectures, and films, there is also room for music in this celebration of enlightened thinking.

Imagine what music would sound like through the open window of Spinoza’s house on the Paviljoensgracht in The Hague today. What sounds would strike a balance between the deductive discipline of the classical tradition and the desire for experimentation of his enlightened contemporaries? The answer is clear: jazz. Now, three hundred and forty-five years after Spinoza’s passing, his philosophical legacy finds a musical outlet.

This unique encounter can be experienced thanks to the Spinoza Jazz Orchestra. This ensemble comprises renowned musicians from The Hague, representing a range of styles within jazz and world music. The highlight of the evening is the performance of the “Spinoza Suite,” a new work composed by clarinetist David Lukaรงs, inspired by Spinoza’s writings. This musical journey is enriched by the vocal artistry of the talented rapper Guus van der Steen, who adds a unique dimension to the philosophical melodies with his spoken word. Additionally, philosopher Erno Eskens, accompanied by the orchestra, will deliver a lecture set to music on the profound relationship between Spinoza’s philosophy and music, offering a modern reinterpretation of ancient ideas.

This special event brings together philosophers, philosophy enthusiasts, jazz musicians, and jazz lovers as children of the same cosmic order, balancing between discipline and creativity.

The lineup of the Spinoza Orchestra features an impressive array of talented musicians, including Ben van den Dungen on saxophone, Miguel Rodriguez on piano, and many others who collectively provide an immersive and philosophically inspired musical experience.

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